If something changes in your private situation, it may have consequences for you under the law of persons and family law. Examples include getting divorced or dividing up an estate. Since personal relationships are involved, emotions often play a role. These are drastic events which require several matters to be arranged and documented. Often different financial interests are at stake. You can only take a carefully considered decision if you know the various options available. Wiggers Ross Advocaten | Belastingkundigen can assist you in these matters by providing expert legal advice and guidance.

The law of persons and family law is becoming ever more complex. It is important to seek good advice. Every situation is different and calls for a different approach. Expertise and the quality of legal advice have grown in importance. A ‘cheap’ internet divorce can result in major losses which can often not be remedied afterwards. The people who opt for such a divorce are not given the proper bespoke advice. If you would prefer to get expert and useful advice, tailored to your situation, contact one of our specialists for legal advice in good time.


You have made the difficult decision that you want a divorce. You will have to make choices about several difficult issues. These might include how to divide your assets, how to divide any pension rights accrued and, if you have children with your spouse, agreements will have to be made about maintenance and access. Our lawyers can guide and assist you in making these difficult choices so that you can come to an agreement which both parties can consent to. We will record the agreements made for you so as to avoid any future problems. If you cannot come to an agreement, we will properly present your wishes to the court.
We can help you file for a divorce and assist you in this matter. This can be done jointly through mediation, through an amicable divorce in consultation with your own lawyer, or on your own with your own lawyer. We will advise and assist you and, if relevant, draft a parenting plan and divorce agreement for you. We will initiate the divorce proceedings at court. A petition for divorce can only be filed with the court by a lawyer. A divorce mediator cannot file a petition for divorce with the court. A divorce through mediation can be finalised quickly since the lawyer will also initiate the divorce proceedings. In other cases, it will depend on the circumstances and any issues in dispute. Your lawyer will discuss this with you.


  • Divorce (mediation, amicable divorce, divorce with your own lawyer)
  • Registered partnership
  • Termination of cohabitation and cohabitation contract
  • Division of property
  • Settling the prenuptial agreement
  • Child and former partner maintenance
  • Parenting plan, care arrangements and custody
  • Inheritance issues
  • Guardianship, administration and mentorship
  • Entrepreneurs’ family matters