A lawyer since 1981

Working for entrepreneurs means that you are bound to meet many different people. One entrepreneur is a trader, the next one designs software and yet another produces semi-manufactures for industrial customers. All clients have their own expertise and expect this from their lawyer as well. Rob van de Beeten has accrued this expertise during the many years he has been practising law and it is something he shares with colleagues, especially when training young lawyers. Rob has also learnt a lot from the other positions he has held next to his main profession. As a Dutch senator he was closely involved with the legislative process. He has become well acquainted with sectors such as education and housing associations through various positions on boards. Governance in companies and institutions has become increasingly important in recent years as is made apparent by the many directors of companies and institutions being held liable. This can be prevented by means of sound and practical advice, ensuring a workable situation.

Rob specialises in corporate law: business acquisitions, partnerships and joint ventures, and real estate. His litigation experience has put him in a position where he can make a good estimate of what is and is not feasible if a case is brought before the court, or if an appeal offers any chance of success.


Former member of the Senate of the Dutch Parliament, member of the Advisory Committee on the Review of Legislation on Offences Committed while in Office (Adviescommissie Herziening Wetgeving Ambtsdelicten)
Chairman of the Permanent Committee on Justice (Vaste Commissie voor Justitie) (2000-2011)
Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Woonstichting Vryleve housing association (2010-2018)
Chairman of the Board of Supervision of Kenniscentrum Europa Decentraal
Member of the Board of Supervision of Conrisq (appointed by the Dutch Minister of Justice and Security)
Member of the Supervisory Board of Waterstromen B.V.
Member of the Dutch Association of Disciplinary Lawyers (Nederlandse Vereniging van Tuchtrechtadvocaten) Disciplina


Catholic University Nijmegen (currently Radboud University Nijmegen)
Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht (currently Utrecht University)


Telephone: +31 (0) 316 52 77 52
Mobile: +31 (0) 6 51 58 12 26